The purpose of the Leadership Fellows Program is to enable upper level undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and LEAD alumni at Tech to serve as leadership coaches for Georgia Tech students. LEAD Fellows are professionally trained in leadership coaching and receive recognition for their service. Faculty, staff and LEAD alumni serve on a volunteer basis and typically take one-two Coachees per semester. Students are paid a stipend and typically take two-four Coachees per semester. As a leadership coach, you will be expected to give one to two hours per week to the coaching program.
Fellows sharpen and enhance their existing leadership and coaching skills by assisting in the development of GT students who are also eager to improve their leadership abilities. Fellows also have the opportunity to learn from their peers at monthly training sessions and other learning opportunities within the program. In this environment Fellows are able to actively reflect on their own previous leadership experiences and identify areas of improvement within themselves while developing others. The reason for becoming a LEAD Fellow is quite simple: Develop yourself while developing others.
Fellows are trained at the beginning of the fall semester, and conclude their time at the end of the following spring semester. Program participation is renewable ,on a volunteer basis each year. Fellowships are awarded based on each candidate's individual leadership, civic engagement, and professional merits.
For detailed program information related to your designation
- Upper Level Undergraduate and Graduate Student
- Faculty and Staff
- Alumni
AY24-25 Application Deadlines
Click on your GT designation below to apply
Friday, August 16th at 11:59pm
(Upper Level Undergraduate and Graduate)
Applications are now closed for students. Check back in February 2025 for AY25-26
Contact our staff at leadingedge@gatech.edu if you have any questions or would like to discuss the opportunity further.
Upper Level Undergraduate and Graduate Student Coaches | Inspiration
Enhance Your Leadership Skills
- Two-day leadership retreat (in-depth coaching training)
- Ongoing training and development throughout the year, including monthly workshops
- Coaching assessments and group evaluations by LEAD staff
- Direct interaction with and continuing support from LEAD staff and returning Leadership Fellows
Give Back to the Tech Community
- Act as a coach and confidant for a developing leader
- Guide others through the difficult task of self-examination and increased self-awareness
- Create unique action plans for other leaders who want to improve their leadership abilities
Receive Recognition for Your Service
Graduate Student Leadership Fellows will be awarded $3,000 in their first academic year coaching / subsequent years are on a volunteer basis with a reduced number of Coachees.
What are we looking for in a LEAD Fellow (Coach)?
- Demonstrate a distinguished ability to lead others in either a volunteer, academic, or professional environment
- Demonstrate a commitment to the coaching and development of young leaders
- Be willing to commit as many as two to three hours per week to program activities
- Receive approval from y to participate in the program
- Passion for developing others
- Relatable to others
- Be genuinely curious
Before applying consider the following:
- Can you tell a compelling story?
- Are you able to actively listen to others?
- Can you hold a conversation for an extended period of time?
- Do you have the ability to motivate others to overcome their fears and go outside their comfort zone?
- Can you challenge others to help them reach their full potential?